Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Darian Gets Glasses

Since staying here with us, we realized a couple of days ago, that there were things that Darian couldn't see. I'm not even sure how the conversation went, but we were talking about a poster on the wall, maybe 15 or 20 feet away, & there was a line that Darian couldn't see. She didn't even realize it was there. So today we went to the optician, & a few hours later she can see! Isn't she cute in her new glasses?
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Michelle Auer said...

Awww! She has glasses like mama now! :-)

Rian said...

Very cute! And Darian, isn't it nice to see that trees have leaves and houses have bricks?

laura west kong said...

adorable! they will open up a whole new world for her.