Thursday, February 25, 2010

A “Duh” Moment

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We have been having very spring-like warm weather this past week. It’s been such a treat. I actually opened the windows in my studio on Monday as I started applying the next quilt to the frame. Maybe it was the fresh air that made me wake up & finally figure out what the reason for being able to lift the top bar was. I’m sure Megan probably told me when we set up the machine almost 2 years ago, but it was one of those things that apparently never sank in. I even found there was a little lock to hold it in place so I could layer the batting without having to struggle.

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I am using 2 layers of batting on this quilt, per Carla Barrett’s suggestion for helping to square up a slightly wonky quilt. Below the photo shows how it’s just a little un-square. I am hoping to be able to make it a little better with the extra fluff inside.

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Last, this photo is just a hint of some threadplay that I’ve done for my next Fiberactions Challenge, “Communication”. The quilt is almost complete, & though it didn’t go exactly where I thought it was going to go, I am pretty happy with how it turned out. For the whole story you’ll have to come back on March 15th.

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Delighted Hands said...

I love the duh moment! I know just what you could that happen you ask yourself, but it does! I will be interested to see how you handle the wonky prob. Threadplay is a tease-looks great!

Rian said...

An "aha" moment. Better late than never, right?

Stephanie said...

Man if I had a quarter for every Duh moment I had, I would be rich. can't wait to see the rest of the thread play!