Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day

Sunday we had Mindy & John & the girls over for dinner. I made our favorite Strawberry Salad, a pot of Salmon Chowder , Jalapeno Cheese Rolls (the Double Musky recipe), & for dessert a Mixed Berry Shortcake. The berries from Costco were wonderful this weekend.
After dinner Hope & I went down to the studio to make Sleep Masks for 10 of Hope's friends. The rest of the family were watching "Australia". None of them had seen it yet, & Warren just bought the DVD. I gave Hope & Christy each a copy of my DD Michelle's calendars. They loved them.
The other thing I worked on this weekend, was an idea for a book cover. This was the beginning of it.
Just Black fabric, quilted with a metallic thread.

This is the prototype. I am playing with ideas to make it better, but I'm reading my 2nd book using this cover, & I really like how it feels with the book wrapped in this, & the bookmark built in is handy, since I can't keep track of a book-marker otherwise.
I decided to make another, with some of the stuff from my embellishment classes.
I layered painted dryer sheets, Angelina fibers strips of painted, Glad Wrap with more Angelina inside & fused together, some painted Lutradur, & painted leaves, plus a found feather, under black tulle with some glitter dots on it (I would have used plain, but couldn't find any).
I quilted over it all with metallic Copper thread.
The leaves will be the front cover, the feather the back, & the plain black area quilted with a feather design will be the inside back cover fold.

This last is just a close up of the front.


Vicki W said...

I love the book covers

roxanestoner said...

Well Deb between the description of your St Patrick's day meal to the fun you had and the book cover design, well I say "Beautiful" You sure know how to live.

Françoise said...

The book cover is lovely.
And these strawberries... Yummy!

The Calico Cat said...

Salmon chowder (I need to look in my salmon recipe book for that one, unless you'd like to share your recipe...)
Did Broccoli get any?
(My babies had a tiny bit of my plain ole baked salmon last night.)

I am supposed to eat fish (Aka salmon or halibut, not so much tuna) 3 times a week...

Delighted Hands said...

The book covers are beyond incredible! I like the practical use of this medium!

Kathy -MIQuilter said...

WOW, No one does it better! That book cover is too wonderful for a book cover. I love it.

Digitalgran said...

What a wonderful book cover!