I started with my trash basket from my studio.
Below is the sketch it inspired.
Below is another doodle I did, combining different styles of feathers.
This is the result. I did stretch in ways I seldom go. I did a little bit of marking for the straight lines, & I did a cross hatch marking in the background to have points to cross when I was doing the free-motion lines.
The perfectionist in me isn’t happy with the irregularities in the design, yet the artist in me says it’s OK. When I teach students, especially in my Threadplay classes, I encourage them to not get “too perfect”. I think when we make designs too perfect, they become somewhat sterile, & looks digitized. I prefer to have some irregularities, it makes the art work more human.
I hope she offers that class this summer. I need to take it!
Boy, have you been busy this month. You must not be affected by SAD during the cold, dark winter. Your blogs are a joy to read.
hurray for irregularities and imperfection...it's my middle name.
I suppose someday, I should post some art or craft...hmmm...I only dream of being as talented as yourself...I love all that you do
Who knew a trash basket could be so pretty?! I discovered my love for free motion quilting about a year ago...I hope I reach your level of skill sometime in my life!!!
It is good to sdee how your mind works as you bring these designs into being.......beautiful work.
WOW that looks really cool Deb!
LOL, She got an A+ on her assignment, too!! Excellent work!!
One last comment.... yes, you want the some imperfections... otherwise, we would just buy a computer and the design would always be perfect. What is the fun in that??
LOL, Carla
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