Tonight I worked at the hospital until 2 AM. There was a gunshot wound that came into the ER & was rushed to the OR. I work Recovery Room, but the OR nurse asked me to wait to see if I would be needed. I went into the OR to help run errands. The guy was still being worked on when they finally let me leave. His insides were laying outside while 2 great surgeons dug around in his gut trying to figure out where he was still bleeding from. At the same time, both Docs were getting calls from both ICU's in town, with nurses worried about patients with low blood pressures, & while they were working on keeping this guy alive, they also had to think about 2 other critical patients & what they could tell the nurses to do to keep them alive. I was the relay person on the phone between the Dr & the other nurse. I was amazed at how these guys were working, minds & hands to each task.
I'm still so wound up I can't think of going to sleep, but my cat is calling me, he says I should be in bed. It's not going to be easy with such life & death images in my head. In the morning if I can function, I will try to do my journal for this month. I haven't had time to even think about it before this. I think I know now what I want to say on this page, one of my favorite sayings..."Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
POST SCRIPT 854 AM. Warren got home from work (he a respiratory therapist in the same hospital) this morning. He said the 17 year-old that was hanging by a thread when I left had died. & it was the 3rd time he had been shot in his short life. Another boy of 17 was killed last night too. He was the son of one of our co-workers, & I had just seen her 1/2 hour before I left work & asked her how her 12 yr/old son was doing. She had smiled & said he was doing great. I had taken care of him on Thursday, because he'd had a surgerical proceedure. Apparently there was a tragic accident, the big brother was at a friend's house & a group of teens were passing around a gun, it went off & hit him in the head, killing him instantly. There was also a large fire in town, 50 people left homeless. & some poor transvestite beaten to brain death. Has the world gone mad? The whole night seems like a nightmare. I've had 3 hours sleep & now all I want to do is cry for these poor families.